Welcome to my Blog

Hello!! I have never been one to want to cook but recently I got married to a man that loves food. He loves food so much that he always requests me to cook him something new. As someone that was not a fan of cooking and heck, I was too lazy to cook, I always said no. Then finally, I decided that once we got married I will start cooking for him more. We'll, now here I am and in love with cooking. Since I am still learning the difference between a pot and pan, I have to stick with recipes. One day, I hope to make something from scratch but until then, I hope you can enjoy some recipes and something new once a week. ENJOY!

Restaurant Reviews

Here is my review on Bin 303.

Atmosphere (3.5/5 stars): Pulling up to the Bin 303 was different b/c there were only a few cars in the parking lot at 6:30 PM. At first it concerned me, as I thought this place must not be very good but then it could also be a sign that it just gets busier later on. The restaurant in set in a historical home that has been renovated in the downtown area of Rockwall. I love these types of restaurants as they usually feel more comfortable.
Attire (3.5/5 stars): Since this was a new restaurant, Andrew wore jeans and a button down, and I wore a dress with wedges. When we walked into the restaurant we noticed the hostess was wearing jeans, tennis shoes and a top so instantly I knew this is a little more casual than expected.

First Appearance (4.0/5 stars): The hostess was very nice and sat us down at our table. We were the only ones in this room for a good 30 minutes. This room was so cold, they had 5 ac units throughout the restaurant. We end up asking our waitress to turn down the ac which was not a problem. The tables were very cute, lots of candle light and over all very cozy feeling.

Shortly after we sat, we ordered two drinks. I ordered the mojito which was probably the best mojito ever and very refreshing. Andrew ordered some “bourbon smash” drink that made me want to gag, but he drank it with a smile on his face so it couldn’t have been too bad. J

Food (4.0/5 stars):
Appetizer: We started off with the “Duo” appetizer. This was my ultimate favorite dish of the evening. The Duo had beer battered asparagus and goat cheese stuffed grilled bacon jalapenos. I do not like spicy stuff but this was not too spicy. Actually, the first bite had a taste of spice but then it was amazing.

EntrĂ©e: We ordered the 22ounce bone-in rib eye and the beer battered shrimp.  The shrimp was gulf coast size and very good but I think a little less batter would have made them even better. The steak was good but not the best steak ever.  The steak came with steak fries and a blue cheese and caramelized onion smothered tomato, which may not sound incredible, but it certainly was.  I ordered a glass of the house red wine and that was perfect, Andrew ordered some IPA which apparently used all the hops harvested in the US this year in one glass…..not the best.

When leaving the restaurant, we noticed a blinking not-so-classy “OPEN” sign next door which could be kind of a turn off if we would have arrived at night, but in the end we were quite pleased.

Value (3.5/5 stars): The tab came to $100 before tip which in my opinion is really good, so there you have it. WHOOP!  We will however be returning on another Tuesday night as they have $10 burger specials, and glancing at a table that ordered 6 of them, my mouth was  watering.

Overall -- 4.0/5 stars --  It’s a great little place in a cozy setting with good food.  Nothing to complain about here.

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