Welcome to my Blog

Hello!! I have never been one to want to cook but recently I got married to a man that loves food. He loves food so much that he always requests me to cook him something new. As someone that was not a fan of cooking and heck, I was too lazy to cook, I always said no. Then finally, I decided that once we got married I will start cooking for him more. We'll, now here I am and in love with cooking. Since I am still learning the difference between a pot and pan, I have to stick with recipes. One day, I hope to make something from scratch but until then, I hope you can enjoy some recipes and something new once a week. ENJOY!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Noodle Salad

My good friend Kristin also known as Ming Ling use to always make me this yummy salad that had ramen noodles in it. After many years of asking for the recipe, she finally gave me the recipe. I asked her this evening if I could share her recipe and she said yes. You should feel honored.....This is one of those recipes that I had to share. You never know if you will like it or not, unless you try. SO, do yourself a favor and make a salad tonight. (PS- it's best to to refrigerate before serving, its best served)

2 oriental ramen noodle packages
1 pkg. coleslaw mix
1 bunch of green onions
1 cup sunflower kennels
1 cup toasted almonds
3/4 cup of oil
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup vinegar

Crunch up the noodles at bottom of bowl
Coleslaw on top of the noodles
Toasted almonds, sunflower kennels and green onions on top of coleslaw
In a seperate bowl combine oil, sugar, vinegar and ramen flour packets
Pour over salad
DO NOT TOSS UNTIL ready to serve


Thanks again Kristin for allowing us to share in this wonderful recipe. YUMMMY!

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