Welcome to my Blog

Hello!! I have never been one to want to cook but recently I got married to a man that loves food. He loves food so much that he always requests me to cook him something new. As someone that was not a fan of cooking and heck, I was too lazy to cook, I always said no. Then finally, I decided that once we got married I will start cooking for him more. We'll, now here I am and in love with cooking. Since I am still learning the difference between a pot and pan, I have to stick with recipes. One day, I hope to make something from scratch but until then, I hope you can enjoy some recipes and something new once a week. ENJOY!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Steak Night with the AFO

Andrew and I recently put in a nice outdoor grille and with anything new, it usually takes time. I am happy to say, Andrew has got the grill down pretty well. He has started making some delicious little items on the grille and this one I had to share as its easy and quite tasty. :)


Steak: 1lb. (each) Thick Cut NY Strip Steak, slap on hot grill and cook for 3-4 minutes each side.

Asparagus: Season 1 bunch of asparagus with butter, salt, pepper, grill for same time as steak making sure to roll around so they don't get burned.

Side was a box recipe and as gross as it sounds. Its quite delicious!

Scalloped potatoes, follow instructions on box.

Enjoy a nice glass of wine and bon appetite!

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